
The Islands are a magical place. Here we have included all the Islands together from Orkney to Mull, Islay and Arran.


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Home to one of the world’s oldest Scotch maturation warehouses, the No. 1 Vaults. It’s in this legendary warehouse that Bowmore single malts have been meticulously matured and transformed for over 240 years.   Islay’s Oldest Licensed Distillery Bowmore is the first licensed Islay distillery, and it has stood on the shores of Lochindaal, a sea loch opening out into …

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Introduction to Laphroaig From a storm-lashed island off the west coast of Scotland comes Laphroaig – “la-froyg” – a Gaelic word meaning “beautiful hollow by the broad bay” Since 1815, when the distillery was officially founded on Islay – “eye-la” – a small team of islanders have combined ancient skills, a dedication to quality and the soft, peaty water of the Kilbride Stream …

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Highland Park

The Distillery The Vikings who came to Orkney arrived as invaders – blending into Orkney’s remote island communities, our home became their own. Magnus Eunson, a direct Viking descendant, founded the Highland Park Distillery in 1798 with integrity and fierce independence, values which stand true to Highland Park Whisky today. Our whisky is as unique as the islands themselves, our …

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